Taylor Reedy captures this week's Female Gamer Award

Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald are pleased to present this week’s female Gamer of the Week to Taylor Reedy of the Buffalo High School football team.

Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald are pleased to present this week’s female Gamer of the Week to Taylor Reedy of the Buffalo High School football team.

Earning a starting position on Buffalo High School’s football team is junior, Taylor Reedy. She typically plays soccer, but she decided to try out for the football team’s kicker position. Head coach, Brian Batman, stated that Taylor has been a pleasant surprise. “One of my assistants asked her to kick and she did. It was impressive so she came the next day and she asked if she could kick. She has done a great job filling a vacancy we had on our team. She has had to earn the job and has fought hard to get it.”

The Bisons are 5-1 so far this season and ranked number one in their conference. One of their biggest wins was against Wayne, defeating them 42-6 with Reedy completing six extra points. Then in the Bison’s latest game against Midland Trail, the team scored a touchdown in double overtime and Reedy kicked the extra point to secure the win. So far this season Reedy is 14 for 18 for extra points and it is her goal to continue to complete extra points for her team.

Taylor said the reason for her success has been her encouraging teammates and the offensive line for holding off the opposing team so she can focus on kicking. She said the best feeling is after she makes a kick and her teammates come up to congratulate her. “Her teammates want her to do well and cheer her on along the way” said Coach Batman, “She always has a smile on her face and has been a breath of fresh air for our team.” Taylor said that her team inspires her by their work ethic and the supportive environment. Bison’s goal is to make it to the playoffs and Taylor hopes to help her team get there.

Outside of football, Taylor plays on a travel soccer team and runs track in the spring. She plans to play soccer in college and study sports medicine.

Please look for other local high school athletes to be named in next week’s female Gamer of the Week Sponsored by Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald.

Hannah Bailey, MS, LAT, ATC, PES and Revved Up Fitness Coach