New Mom Workout: This Short, Simple Routine Can Benefit You and Your Baby


As a new mom, it can be challenging to make time to do things for yourself, including important activities such as exercise. But just a short, simple workout can make a big difference in your overall mental and physical health, and being able to include your baby can make it a little easier. 

Exercising can improve your mental health, boost your energy, promote better sleep and help manage your weight. For a new mom, all of those wellness aspects are important. 

New moms are constantly caring for others, which is a beautiful thing, but you can’t pour from an empty glass. You have to fill your cup before you can fill others. Doing something for yourself, such as exercising, can help you to feel good and encourage more positive family experiences.

(These exercises are safe when you have been cleared by your physician to work out, and also safe for your baby if they can independently support their head.) 

Squat hugs 

·         Hold your little one in your arms facing you nice and tight.

·         Spread your feet about shoulder width apart and squat to a comfortable position, then stand back up.

·         Be sure to keep your chest up and sit your bottom back like you’re going to sit in a chair when you squat.

·         Your baby will think this an exciting ride! And their extra weight makes it a challenge for you.  

Baby bench press  

·         Lie flat with your knees bent.

·         Hold your little one tight and raise them up away from your chest and slowly lower them back to your chest.

·         You will gain great upper body strength while getting lots of kisses!

Peek-a-boo crunches 

·         Lie flat with your knees bent.

·         Place your baby on your stomach facing you.

·         Raise your upper body until your shoulder blades are off of the floor and slowly lower back down.

·         This is a great opportunity for a fun game of peek-a-boo!  

Each exercise can be performed in 1-3 sets of 10 repetitions. Just a few simple exercises can be fun for you and your baby and give you an effective workout. You can do it, Momma! 

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Since Teays Physical Therapy Center opened its doors in 1990, our focus has always been on you. We are a patient-centered, therapist-led organization dedicated to improving the health of our community. To schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists, call our Teays Valley (304-757-7293) or St. Albans (304-727-7293) locations.