Industrial Rehabilitation
We offer specialized programs for both INJURY PREVention and work-related injuries.
Work Injury Prevention Services
Our work injury prevention services include on-site educational seminars and assisting employers with
pre-work screening tools. These tools are developed by working with the specific functions of a job, ensuring that potential employees can safely handle the required physical demands of a given job.
Post-injury care
Early referral for immediate care of a work injury allows the recovering worker to be educated regarding the healing and recovery process, provides recovering workers with the appropriate expectations and encourages the desired amount of activity at the proper time during healing. This approach minimizes the frustration, fear, anxiety and depression that can occur following a work injury. Early care may consist of one or more of the following:
Therapeutic exercise
To restore mobility.
Manual therapy techniques
For normal joint motion.
Gradual advanced exercises and functional training
To restore normal movement patterns, strength, endurance and tolerance to daily activities that allow for a return to work.
Including body mechanics, posture awareness and other areas to help avoid reinjury.
What can I expect?
If you’re new to physical therapy, we recommend reviewing our new patient info. In addition, throughout treatment you can feel free to ask your therapist and our other staff members any questions about your treatment.
Request a Consultation
You can request an industrial rehabilitation consultation at our front desk or by calling one of our locations:
Teays Valley: (304) 757-7293
St. Albans: (304) 727-7293