Ahebwa Earns Gamer of the Week Honors


Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald are pleased to present this week’s male Gamer of the Week to Jackson Ahebwa of Hurricane Soccer.

Jackson Ahebwa has been leading the way for the 10-1-1 Hurricane Soccer Team. The senior captain has scored 7 goals and assisted on 3 additional goals from his central midfield position. “This season has been going well! I have just been trying to bring energy and level of intensity to the game,” said Ahebwa.  

Last season, Ahebwa earned first team all-region and all-state special honorable mention. “Jackson has been a 4-year player for us, and he is our heart and soul of the midfield and has been controlling the field for us this season,” said Head Coach Kent Bailey.   

Ahebwa’s father, who played soccer in college, introduced him to the sport and has helped him learn the game. “My dad has been my biggest role model, he always practiced with me, introduced me to new players and ways to play the game,” said Ahebwa. He continued discussing the soccer saying, “I like the competitive environment, seeing a good shot go in, and the creativity with the different techniques you can use on the ball.” 

Ahebwa’s goals are all focused on the team, and doing what is necessary to win the remaining games on the schedule, a regional title, and making a run at the state tournament.  Hurricane looks poised to achieve these goals, as they continue to improve and get healthier heading into the back half of the schedule. Hurricane will be back in action on Thursday when they host Greenbrier East at 7:00pm.  

In addition to soccer, Ahebwa is a member of National Honor Society and student body treasurer for student council. The senior plans to study civil engineering and play soccer in college, and is still weighing his college options.

Please look for other local high school athletes to be named in next week’s male Gamer of the Week Sponsored by Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc., and The Putnam Herald.