Carson Saunders Earns Gamer of the Week Honors


Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald are pleased to present this week’s male Gamer of the Week to Carson Saunders of Buffalo Baseball!

Carson Saunders has been a key contributor for the 22-12 states bound Buffalo Baseball team this season. The senior has a .345 average with 13 runs batted in and has crossed the plate 35 times this season.  “The season has been going great, we had a lot of ups and downs, but we have kind of found ourselves and were playing well right now,” said Saunders.

When discussing highlights this season, he said the thing he remembers most is stealing home to win the game verse Scott earlier this season. Saunders has 23 stolen bases on the season. “Carson leads our team by example. He works super hard in practice and holds his teammates accountable mentally, physically, and spiritually. He locks in every game and does whatever is asked to help his team win. Carson Saunders is top notch and is going to do great things with his life,” said coach Josh Issacs.

Saunders started playing baseball in little league and says when he got to high school he really started working hard at the sport. What he likes most about baseball is the energy and the environment at Buffalo with the crowds cheering the team on.   When discussing role models, he pointed to his dad, coach Hicks, and the current coaching staff for helping him progress.

In addition to baseball, he is a member of TARS and Bison for Christ at Buffalo. After high school, Saunders is joining the Kanawha Valley Fame program where he will work for Toyota and earn a degree in Advance Manufacturing Technology. 

Please look for other local high school athletes to be named in next week’s male Gamer of the Week Sponsored by Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc., and The Putnam Herald.