Posts tagged Exercise
Walking: A Perfect Exercise

Most people know that physical therapists often recommend exercise as part of their treatment. What most people don’t realize is how simple that exercise can be. Instead of complicated workouts, physical therapists often surprise people when they recommend walking.

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Denise PriceExercise
Exercise and Your Mood

Exercise has great benefits for your physical health – it can strengthen your muscles, improve your cardiovascular system, and reduce your risk of diseases like stroke and diabetes. But, did you know that exercise can have benefits for your mental health, too?

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Denise PriceExercise
8 Minutes of Exercise a Day

You know exercise is important to your health. It helps you feel better physically, gives you energy and helps you deal with the stress of your busy life. But what do you do when your life suddenly changes! Quarantine, social distancing and the closing of gyms!

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Denise PriceExercise