Klaire LeRose Awarded Gamer of the Week Honors


Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald are pleased to present this week’s Female Gamer of the Week to Senior, Klaire LeRose of the Poca High School Softball and Track and Field team.

            Lady Poca Dot Klaire LeRose is having a great senior year. LeRose is a three-sport athlete at Poca participating in cheerleading, softball, and track and field. Klaire is a backspot and advanced tumbler for cheer, an outfielder for softball, and she throws shot put for track and field. LeRose began her athletic career playing t-ball when she was 4 years old because her older brother played baseball and she has played ever since, she has been throwing shot put since her sophomore year of high school after her freshman year math teacher and track coach Kyle Gwinn talked about it being a good fit for her. “Klaire is by far one of the most dedicated, determined, and toughest athletes I’ve ever coached. She’s always focusing on perfecting her craft, pushing herself, and getting it right. Even when she tore her ACL in August, it was all about her focusing on getting back and better than ever, rather than her focusing on her injury. Klaire’s character is second to none. She holds herself to the highest of standards and does not waiver. She gives her all in everything she does, and she never does anything halfway. She leads by example on and off the Track, and she never compromises herself for anything less than greatness. She embodies Poca Track through and through and I couldn’t be prouder of her!” Head Track Coach Kyle Gwinn.

            When discussing what she enjoys most about her sports LeRose stated “For softball, I like how we must work as a team to make things happen. Hitting bombs is fun too! For track, I like how it teaches me discipline because I had limited practice time due to sharing the season with softball”. A goal that LeRose had for this upcoming season was to return to the field after tearing her ACL in August, and Klaire did just that. She believes her team was successful this season because “most of us have grown up playing together and finally our skills came together when we needed it most”. A role model that Klaire has is Sarah Gross. “She has shown so much strength & determination to honor her son & my classmate, Keagan Gross, who passed away last summer. She has cheered on every sport at PHS in his memory”. 

Klaire’s success this season stemmed from her tearing her ACL in early August which led to her determination to get back to her sports. “I tore my ACL on August 12th, 2023, & had fertilized ACL surgery on October 4th, 2023, by Dr. Chad Lavender. Before my surgery I did “pre-hab” at Poca High school with our athletic trainer Josh Craigo. I started physical therapy with Zach Dewhitt 2 days after my surgery and am still in therapy. I was partially released at 3 1/2 months to slowly work my way back into all 3 of my sports. With the help of my coaches, Kelley Rogers, Jacey Fulks, Kyle Gwinn, David Skeens, Greg Collins, & Tori Starcher, I was able to return slowly to help each of my teams be successful. I was released in the middle of softball & track season on March 28th, 2024. Even though I was released, I still had to work at physical therapy to make sure I was strong enough to return slowly and safely. My personal success this year has been a miraculous blessing from God, along with everyone’s prayers, my hard work, & the people I had helping me get back to my best”! 

When it comes to stats Klaire had a batting average of .550, with 4 doubles, 3 home runs, & 10 RBIs in 6 sectional games, including a 4-4 with 2 doubles, 3 RBIs & 2 runs scored against Sissonville in an elimination game score 7-6. For track Klaire placed 3rd in shot put as well as 3rd in the regional meet. Over this past weekend LeRose placed 5th at the state track meet throwing 33”10’.  

            Off the diamond and the field LeRose has many accolades at Poca. Miss Poca High, Captain of PHS Varsity Cheer team, Vice President of her class, Student council member, National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Link crew, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Universal Cheerleading Association All-American Cheerleader, First team All-state track, 3rd in State track meet 2023, 4-year All-Cardinal Conference cheerleader. After high school Klaire will attend Marshall University after being accepted into the College of Business. She will also be trying out for the University’s cheerleading squad at the beginning of June.

Please look for other local high school athletes to be named in next week’s female Gamer of the Week Sponsored by Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc., and The Putnam Herald.